Your Whole Health Primary
Care Provider Network
As a Member of the Whole Health Plan, you have the exclusive benefit of accessing the Whole Health Primary Care Provider network. WFM Preferred PCPs are a curated network of primary care providers invested in your healthcare outcomes. Preferred Primary Care Providers work closely with Health Resource Coordinators (HRCs) to align your health and wellness experience, and work with an integrated team of specialists and hospitals.
Refer to the 2024 Whole Foods Market Enrollment Guide for more information on this exclusive benefit its cost to you and your family.
Preferred Tier 1 Network

The Preferred Network is a curated network of recognized local providers, clinics, and hospitals. Members will now use a group ID of WFM.

Expanded Tier 2 Network

The Expanded Network is a national network of providers, clinics and hospitals through Aetna Signature Administrators to receive care at the standard benefit level, administered by WebTPA.